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Organic Sheep Ricotta Cheese processed in cold juniper smoke

Awarded for its aromatic taste, soft and creamy consistency (among others, First Prize at the Euorpean Cheese Olympic Games, First Pirize Slowfood for organic cheese) our juniper-smoked ricotta is a worldwide ambassador of our lands. With Its intensity and richness in taste, you can sense the naturalness of our pastures in the Valley of Sagittarius.

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The price for n.1 item of product refers to 300 grams




In our territory sheep ricotta has always been an “ever-present” food, produced with traditional methods and freshly served on the table for every day use. In order to preserve it, sometimes it used to be salted or dried in the sun. This way, the taste becomes stronger, so that it can be used as dressing by grating it onto first dishes.

The same freshness and the same taste is still intact today in our juniper-smoked ricotta cheese. Light salting is combined with the smoking process normally used for salmon. Juniper wood adds an intense, irresistible aroma. Such an innovative method allows ricotta to be preserved, still keeping its softness and delicate taste. The smoking process adds sweetness and aromatic shades. Juniper smoke is cooled down before it reaches ricotta, so as to purify it from any residue.

Awarded for its aromatic taste, soft and creamy consistency (among others, First Prize at the Euorpean Cheese Olympic Games, First Pirize Slowfood for organic cheese) our juniper-smoked ricotta is a worldwide ambassador of our lands. With Its intensity and richness in taste, you can sense the naturalness of our pastures in the Valley of Sagittarius.

You can also taste it in a whole range of dishes, which combine it with local dressings. Try our range of Ricotta Maritata (“married ricotta”, i.e. combined with added ingredients or dressing): Smoked Ricotta with Spinaches, with Garlic and Onins, with Pepper, with Chili Peppers.

Extrememly suitable for combinations, ricotta is colloquially referred to as “ruffiana” (i.e. “pander”) by housewives and cooks: it easily adapts to other dishes and savours, making them more intense. That’s why ricotta is the queen of Abruzzi cooking tradition.

  • Organic Sheep Ricotta Cheese processed in cold juniper smoke
  • The price for n.1 item of product refers to 300 grams

3° Prize Biocaseus, Biofach, Nurnberg 2008

Special Mention Biocaseus, Pienza 2007

1° Prize Biocaseus Slowfood, Bra 2005 Reccommended by Accademia Italiana della Cucina, Premio “Villani” 2005

1° Prize Olimpiadi del Formaggio di Montagna, Saint Vincent 2002

5 Stars according to Rosengarten Report, New York 2002 Raccommended by Accademia del Gusto, Francia 2002

ANFOSC Award – Formaggio novità, 1998

This post is also available in: Italian

Weight 300 g


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