For over 40 years we have been committed every day with the challenge for responsible and ethical agriculture: a local, fair, generous and human type of agriculture.

We have promoted an agreement with local farmers and producers to be operative in the field of social agriculture, focussing on traditional products. We take an active role in matters like rural development, sustainable agriculture, educational /training courses and welfare. We organize guided visits to our farm as well as events, meetings, workshops, entertainment. We stand out for our tangible projects, which have been a real way of living and working for many partners who collaborate with us every day in the sector organic and sustainable agriculture. We are also very active about creating synergy withthe public authorities, as the protection of maountain areas is possible only so long as primary services to the popolation are active, which a single farm/company is not able to guarantee.

  • Our economy focuses on simple, genuine products. All of them have been certified organic products since 1995. All of them are offered for a fair price, considering production costs, organic processes, the critical productivity of the area (high mountains). Our prices are not added with inadequate recharge as we like to give priority to relationships instead of income. We try to use as little packaging as possible. Our chain is different: no longer “producer-distributor-consumer” but faces, ideas, desires, values, personal relationships grounded on confidence and sharing
  • We believe in protection and defence of the environment as an essential factor. This is an antidote against neglect and decline. On the contrary, we want to sustain the rich bio-diversity of the mountains in the province of L’Aquila;
  • Our job aims at promotion and dissemination of environnmentally sustainable praxis (from cultivation processes to the well-being of livestock, from sober life style to helpful way of working).
  • Our way of working focuses on respect. This means both respecting people and respecting the law, in order to increase well-being for all, with an active participation in social entreprises;
  • We consider it important to reduce consumptions and to improve our “ecological footprint”. i.e. the impact our behaviours have on the environment;
  • With our commitment we mean to support projects of social/responsible agriculture. Also, we intend to stress the concept of “care”, which is typical of rural society, with our projects of “didactic farm” (guided visits of school groups). According to the ancient social culture, the farmer takes care of a seed, a plant, an animal. He/she faces the future with an optimistic attitude, hoping in a good harvest or in a new birth. The youths pass in harmony into the adult age, when they feel able to take care of people and things. This passage is not this natural in the urban environment.

On the ground of such principles, we have diversified a lot our activities. Besides our organic products, we are today a “didactic farm”, a farm holiday centre, a social farm, an active member of “ViaggieMiraggi”, a national tour operator for responsible turism. We have created the campaign “Adopt a Sheep, Defend Nature”, a valid example of social responsible agricolture and a tool for sharing our values.

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